On-station research trials at IPR/IFRA - Rural Polytechnic Institute near Koulikoro, Mali

Photo: Harun Cicek
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL
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Fully-factorial greenhouse experiment to determine the interactive effect of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (with and without), water deficit (four levels), and soil layer (topsoil and subsoil) on i.a. the biomass of seedlings of Commiphora myrrha

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (BFH-HAFL)

This paper examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and analyzes if the sector is resilient to withstand unexpected external shocks such as the pandemic and the hurricanes which impacted the region in the last months of 2020.

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (BFH-HAFL)

BFH-HAFL-Student Stefan Roth reist auf den Spuren von Seidenraupen und Seidenproduzenten durch mehrere europäische Länder. Durch seinen Praktikumsbericht lässt sich «Internationale Landwirtschaft» für einmal hautnah miterleben.

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (BFH-HAFL)

The HAFL Hugo P. Cecchini Institute ‘Snakes and Ladders on the way to Agroecology’ project in Tanzania and India recently ended. In this short video, project leader Prof. Gurbir S Bhullar from BFH-HAFL explains the board game and highlights the positive impact it's had on smallholder farming communities.

School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (BFH-HAFL)

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