Field days with improved tef varieties in Debre Zeyt, Ethiopia

Photo: Zerihun Tadele
Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
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Soil-dwelling insect pests may cause considerable damage to crops worldwide, and their belowground lifestyle makes them hard to control. Amongst the most promising control agents for subterranean pests are soilborne entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) such as Metarhizium brunneum. Albeit EPF can be highly pathogenic to their target pest species under laboratory conditions, their efcacy in the feld is often limited due to adverse environmental conditions. Here, we test for the first time if the efcacy of EPF can be improved when they are augmented with trap crops.

Agroscope Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

A paper from Agroscope's Konrad Metzger et al. details on-site soil sample testing using mobile devices.


Switzerland depends on globally imported food products and production inputs. For this reason, Agroscope publishes an annual report on Switzerland’s supply security.


Pflanzliche Getränke auf der Basis von Soja, Getreide, Samen oder Nüssen werden immer häufiger als Milchersatz konsumiert. Agroscope-Forschende haben Makro- sowie Mikronährstoffe dieser Getränke untersucht und grosse Unterschiede festgestellt.


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